Choosing Home Decor for Permanence and Purpose

Choosing Home Decor for Permanence and Purpose

We don’t always have the time or the headspace to be mindful about what we buy and bring into our personal spaces. This can lead to rooms that solicit annoyance or even ambivalence from us, rather than sparking positive feelings and uplifting us.

In this post, we’ll talk about taking a fresh look at what you bring into your rooms, thoughtfully reinforcing what works for you now, and seeding support for where you want to go.

Understanding Permanent and Purposeful Buying

When we talk about buying with intention, we're focusing on quality, significance, and emotion. This approach encourages you to pause and consider not just the aesthetic appeal of a piece but its impact on your environment; and its capacity to be a continuing support to your lifestyle.

This philosophy is not about minimalism for its own sake but about finding a deeper connection with the items we choose to live with. It's about recognizing that each object in our home has the power to influence our mood, our thoughts, and our comfort level.

Finding the Sweet Spot: Purpose, Flexibility, and Emotion

A well-decorated, welcoming foyer

Ever notice how the most cherished items in your home are often those that perfectly blend purpose, flexibility, and emotion? That cozy throw that's seen you through cold winters and movie marathons, or the sturdy IKEA shelf that holds everything from your favorite books to treasured mementos from travels. It's at this cross-section where we often find things that not only serve a functional purpose but also adapt with us through life’s changes, carrying emotional weight and memories.

Practical Tips for Thoughtful Shopping (Now With More Chill)


Alright, let’s get into the "nitty-gritty" of making your home a collection of meaningful pieces without sounding like a textbook. Here's how to keep it real and intentional:

Choose What Speaks to You

Look at that vase. Does it make you smile? Can you already picture it on your window sill, catching the light? If you're nodding, you're on the right track. Go for items that make you feel something, not just because they're on sale.

What’s the Story?

Sometimes it’s the how that makes something worth cherishing. Or, who was there when you got it.
  • Where did you get that wall tapestry? Did you haggle for it?
  • Did you get that cap when you and your brother went to Fenway the summer before college? How many ballparks did you visit?
  • Did you get that pin when you and your mom went to the family reunion?

Quality Over Quantity

A laidback, comfortable living room in an neutral palette.

This one's about going for the good stuff. That doesn't mean breaking the bank but choosing well-made items that you won't have to replace next year. Think of it as a small love letter to the future you.

Think Twice Before You Return

Returns are a hassle for you and the planet. Try to be really sure about what you’re getting. Measure twice, order once, and save yourself the headache of repackaging and trips to the post office.

Share the Good Stuff

Got a friend who’s redoing their place? Share your go-to spots for awesome finds. It’s all about lifting each other up to make better choices.

The Impact of Your Choices

By adopting a more mindful approach to buying, we not only enhance our living spaces but also contribute to a less wasteful planet. The choices we make can foster a culture of thoughtfulness and intention, paving the way for a future where every purchase is a reflection of our deepest values and aspirations.


Minimalist bedroom with a bed, matching end tables with lamps, and large painting above the bed.
Embracing mindful shopping means creating homes filled with items that tell our stories, share our journeys, and support our dreams. It’s a powerful way to live more intentionally and sustainably. We invite you to explore the home decor at Modern Extras, where every piece is chosen with care, purpose, and an understanding of the impact that thoughtful, permanent, and purposeful buying can have on the world around us.
This blog post was created with a mix of human and AI. We used Dall-E 3, Canva, and a few models from NightCafe for the images. This is to give readers good visual representations of the styles and decor we suggest. In terms of copy (words), we use ChatGPT to outline posts, and sometimes to rewrite or summarize sections if we're having trouble pulling it together. We also sometimes use the Hemingway App & Grammarly for editing.
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