Seasonal Refresh: Summer Decor Edition - Easy Updates for Your Home

Seasonal Refresh: Summer Decor Edition - Easy Updates for Your Home

Summer's on its way, and it’s bringing us all the reasons to give our homes a lively makeover! With its long, sunny days and warm, inviting evenings, summer is the perfect excuse to play around with your decor. Let’s dive into some simple yet impactful ways to bring summer vibes into every corner of your home.

Declutter and Simplify

A well-organized living room with baskets

Before diving into the fun of redecorating, it's crucial to start with a clean slate. Summer, with its inherent brightness and openness, inspires us to mirror those qualities in our homes.

Clearing away clutter is more than just a physical act; it's a pathway to refreshing your living environment and, in a way, your mindset too. When we declutter, we do more than just enhance the look of our spaces; we open up room for new possibilities and ideas to flourish. It's about creating a space that feels breathable and vibrant, reflecting the lively essence of summer itself.

By starting with decluttering, we lay the foundation for a home that not only looks more inviting but feels more serene and ready for the season's joy and activity.

In this spirit of renewal and clarity:

  • Wall-mounted shelves: Use these clever solutions to lift everyday items off surfaces. They're perfect for showcasing summer-themed decor or keeping essential items within reach without crowding your space.
  • Baskets and bins: Ideal for quickly clearing visual and physical clutter, these can stylishly hold everything from magazines and throws to toys and craft supplies. They help maintain the clean, airy vibe essential for a summer refresh, allowing your space and your spirit to breathe.

Embracing decluttering as your first step in the summer refresh makes room for the light, energy, and the fresh beginnings that summer symbolizes.

Incorporate Summer Colors and Materials

A bright living room decorated in summer colors with a mix of light fabrics and sea-themed decor.

The shift to longer, sun-drenched days brings a natural shift in our context and mindset. The abundance of light influences us to lean towards brighter, more vibrant decor that reflects the energy and optimism of summer.

This season, it's all about embracing colors and materials that mirror the natural world in its most lively state. By bringing in hues that echo the clear skies, golden sunlight, and varied textures of the beach, we infuse our homes with a sense of warmth and vitality. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about creating an environment that enhances our mood and mirrors the boundless possibilities that summer represents.

  • Vibrant cushions and lightweight linen curtains: These not only brighten up your space but also promote a light, airy feel, perfect for those long summer days.
  • Incorporate elements of the sea: Adding pieces like driftwood, coral, or shells brings a piece of the summer’s serene and exploratory spirit into your home. These natural, tactile elements can serve as beautiful reminders of the world outside, grounding us and bringing a unique, calming energy into our living spaces.

Incorporating these elements into your decor invites the essence of summer into your home, transforming it into a place that celebrates the season’s beauty, inside and out.

Enhance with Lighting and Decor

A beautifully designed mantle featuring fairy lights, candles, a mirror, and artificial plants. Creating a summer night party atmosphere.

Capturing summer’s twilight glow indoors:

As the sun sets later, the warm, lingering light of summer evenings invites us to extend the day. In our homes, we can mimic this soft, dispersed glow by choosing lighting that casts a gentle, flattering light, reminiscent of a summer sunset. This type of lighting not only enhances the ambiance of our spaces but also creates a warm, inviting environment that encourages relaxation and togetherness. Incorporating lights that reflect the season's warmth and glow can transform evenings at home into a continuation of summer’s magic, making every moment feel a bit more special.

  • Fairy lights: Perfect for adding a twinkle to any room or outdoor space, creating a magical summer evening vibe.
  • Solar-powered lanterns: These eco-friendly lights offer a soft, warm glow that’s perfect for summer nights, adding both beauty and functionality to your outdoor gatherings.

By focusing on these key elements, we can transform our homes into havens that not only reflect the beauty and warmth of summer but also enhance our well-being and joy during this vibrant season.

Statuary and Centerpieces

A citrus centerpiece placed invitingly on a living room coffee table.

Statuary serves as a powerful way to anchor the season's energy and spirit within your home. By choosing pieces that resonate with the themes of summer, you invite the qualities you wish to embody throughout the season into your space. A statue can be a focal point of contemplation and beauty, reflecting the thoughtful, introspective side of summer.

Centerpieces celebrate the season in a more transient, vibrant way. They are the heart of your table, drawing in the eye and gathering people around. By incorporating seasonal elements like citrus fruits or sea shells, you not only celebrate the abundance of summer but also create a focal point for joy and togetherness in your home.


Refreshing your home for summer is all about adding splashes of color, light, and lively decor. With these easy updates, from clearing the clutter to setting up the perfect summer night lighting, you’re all set to make your space a bright, happy place.

This summer, let your home be a reflection of the season's joy, energy, and endless possibilities. Dive into our collections at Modern Extras for even more ideas to kickstart your summer decor transformation.

This blog post was created with a mix of human and AI. We used Dall-E 3, Canva, and a few models from NightCafe for the images. This is to give readers good visual representations of the styles and decor we suggest. In terms of copy (words), we use ChatGPT and Google Gemini to outline posts, and sometimes to rewrite or summarize sections if we're having trouble pulling it together. We also use the Hemingway App & Grammarly for style editing.
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