Embrace Slow Living: Creating a Mindful and Tranquil Home

Embrace Slow Living: Creating a Mindful and Tranquil Home

The philosophy of slow living is fairly radical in a world that thrives on constant connectivity and moving at light speed. This lifestyle emphasizes depth, meaningful connections, and a deep appreciation for the present.

In this post, we look at the philosophy and share some advice on exploring it further. 

This blog post may seem a bit out of character, but we think the heart of home decorating comes down to knowing what you really care about. Slow living embraces this idea and takes it further by promoting an active focus on only those things. 

The Essence of Slow Living

Slow living asks you to reaffirm the things that matter to you, and make them the center of your attention. Below are a few concepts that can help you approach this type of mindset and lifestyle change.


A balcony turned into an oasis for reflection with plants and soft, comfortable furniture

Mindfulness—living with intention and aligning our actions with our deepest values—is at the core of slow living. It's a conscious departure from reacting to every notification, FOMO, and passivity. 

Simplicity and Sustainability

Slow living urges us to declutter and get back to the basics. It champions sustainable living, encouraging us to make choices that are kind to our planet, opting for quality and sustainability in everything we bring into our homes.

Connection to the Present and Nature

This lifestyle looks to nature for a lot of it's inspiration. Try to cultivate mental and physical spaces that echo the tranquility and beauty of nature.

This lifestyle can also help us appreciate our own natural rhythms. Like the seasons, your life is a cycle of change, growth, and renewal. Embracing these natural cycles allows us to accept the shifts in our own lives with grace and poise, understanding that each phase, like the seasons, brings its own unique beauty and challenges.

Transforming Your Space for Slow Living

A spare bedroom turned into a place to enjoy quiet and solitude.

Adapting your home to slow living will likely lead to you removing things from your living space.* We invite you to embrace the chance to declutter and redecorate to suit a more thoughtful pace. Below are a few ideas to help.

*Note: Yes, I know its weird for us to be suggesting a lifestyle that leads to less purchasing. But life can be rough. We'd rather you find the right lifestyle and happiness even if it means not buying.

Mindful Home Decor

Choose decor that reflects your purpose and brings peace into your space. The Nordic Art Thinker Statue, symbolizing contemplation, and elements inspired by nature, like plants and natural materials, can enhance the tranquility of your home.

Simplicity in Design

The Danish concept of hygge emphasizes comfort and enjoying moments. Utlilize this concept to assess both your home decor and the use of your time.

Creating Zones for Reflection and Connection

A patio decorated with cactus and art, with a cinder block wall enclosing it. Its in a dense neighborhod.

Create space in your home for unplugging and meaningful interaction. These spaces offer you a place to simply be present, not distracted by sounds or notifications (and not able to easily grab another dopamine fix). Use this physical and mental space to reflect, perhaps meditate, and come away feeling refreshed.

Slowing Down Can Take Work: Try Starting Small

A quiet corner with a stitched sign on the wall reminding us that things take time.

To integrate reflection into your routine, start with a simple practice: dedicate a few quiet minutes each day to sit in these zones, free from distractions. Whether it's a sunlit corner in the morning or a cozy nook by evening light, the key is consistency. Over time, this disciplined practice will become a cherished part of your day.

As your perspective changes, try incorporating more reflection into your day. This can be a brief walk, a few deep breaths before a call, or a simply sitting in a quiet room for a bit after dinner. You'll find that your day goes more smoothly and you are able to keep some emotional distance from common stressors.

The Impact of Slow Living

A stylized living room filled with plants, light, and mementos of a good life.

Embracing slow living can transform your self-perception and outlook. You can unbind yourself from much of what distracts and stresses you each day, while simultaneously reaffirming the things that truly matter to you.

We can't say for sure if slow living is right for you, but we hope that you delve deeper into the philosophy if it resonates with you at all. If you choose to, then we hope you come back to explore Modern Extras for a few pieces that resonate with your vision.

This blog post was created with a mix of human and AI. We used Dall-E 3, Canva, and a few models from NightCafe for the images. This is to give readers good visual representations of the styles and decor we suggest. In terms of copy (words), we use ChatGPT to outline posts, and sometimes to rewrite or summarize sections if we're having trouble pulling it together. We also sometimes use the Hemingway App & Grammarly for editing.
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