Adapting Your Living Space to How You’re Living

Adapting Your Living Space to How You’re Living

In this post, we’re going to talk about customizing your space as a support system for changes in your life. We’ll also offer some suggestions on seeing, assessing, and adapting to get you started.

Embracing Change with Decor

A guest bedroom converted into an art studio

Every change in our lives might not call for a decor refresh, but it’s important to embrace the times when it does.

Maybe you're taking some classes for work, and suddenly, that old desk in the corner is too small or too rickety for the amount of time you’re spending at it. Or perhaps you've taken up painting on the weekends, and your living room needs more of an art studio setup with room for an easel, shelves for supplies and canvas, and a spot with plenty of natural light.

On the more idiosyncratic side, imagine dedicating shelf space to every BBQ joint you visit, filling it with sauce bottles, pictures, and bibs that remind you of travel, great people, and outstanding meat.

Your space can be a strong supporter of the life you want, whether it's moving to a new city, crafting a corner for your latest hobby, or reshaping your living room for weekly yoga sessions. You can make your space work for you and your current passions, and support the direction you want your life to go

Question Yourself & Your Space

A woman stands in a living room filled with signs of her hobbies and interest. She looks around as if looking for something or assessing the area.

Assessing what’s missing, unappealing or irrelevant in your decor leads to interesting questions:

  • What is or isn’t part of your identity?: Do you still listen to that band that’s on the big poster in your home office? Where are all the souvenirs from your vacations?
  • What’s been on your decorating to-do list?: Weren’t you going to get a rug for the living room that matches the couch?
  • What do you want to add or nurture?: Can you make a space for plants on your windowsill or maybe in the kitchen? Is your coffee table big enough for game night?

Embrace these questions and take the time to answer them honestly. You’ll gain new insight into how you view the relationship between your living space and your lifestyle.

How to Refresh Your Space with Purpose

In this section, we offer a few ideas for refreshing your space. As you read them, think about how they apply, and then try to evolve them further to better integrate your lifestyle, tastes and needs.

Embracing Your Path

A small office brimming with energy. Post-it notes, memento, and memorabilia fill the space along with work materials.

Your space can serve as a canvas for your personal progress and determination. Think about how each item in your home contributes to your story. A bulletin board in your workspace, for instance, can transform into a vision board, showcasing your dreams and goals. It becomes a daily reminder of where you're headed, turning a simple workspace into a source of motivation. Similarly, rearranging your living room to make room for a new hobby reflects your dedication to growth and exploration.

Rethinking, Removing, Replacing


Creating a space that grows with you means letting go of what no longer serves you. This could mean donating old books to make room for new ones that align with your current interests or replacing that old coffee table with one that better fits your space and lifestyle. It's about making intentional choices that reflect the current chapter of your life.

Flexible & Multi-Functional

Adapting to life’s changes means embracing flexibility in your living space. Modular furniture, for example, can be rearranged to suit new living arrangements or to accommodate the hobbies you pick up. This flexibility in your home encourages a looser and more resilient outlook on life—it’s a physical manifestation of your readiness to embrace new challenges and opportunities.

Consider the value of of multi-functional pieces too. A dining table by day can transform into a crafting table by night, symbolizing the balance between nourishment and creativity. It’s about finding harmony in your space that echoes the harmony you seek in your life.

Telling Your Story

Personalize your space with items that have stories behind them. This could mean framing a scarf you bought on a solo trip abroad, reminding you of your independence and adventurous spirit, or displaying a collection of stones from various hikes, each marking a trail conquered and a challenge overcome.

Creating spaces for new routines also tells a part of your story. A corner turned into a morning coffee spot, complete with a comfortable chair and a view, sets the stage for a daily ritual that prepares you for the day ahead. It’s these personalized touches that transform a house into a home, making your space a true reflection of the evolving chapters of your life.


As we navigate the twists and turns of our lives, our homes can serve as sanctuaries of change, growth, and rest. Adapting our spaces enhances our surroundings and supports our journey towards becoming our most authentic selves. Let's cherish the role our homes play in our stories, making every change, no matter how small, a meaningful part of our personal evolution.

This blog post was created with a mix of human and AI. We used Dall-E 3, Canva, and a few models from NightCafe for the images. This is to give readers good visual representations of the styles and decor we suggest. In terms of copy (words), we use ChatGPT to outline posts, and sometimes to rewrite or summarize sections if we're having trouble pulling it together. We also sometimes use the Hemingway App & Grammarly for editing.
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