modern living room with a multi-colored pallete. Room has a sofa, coffee table, textile wall art, and curtains over the windows. The couch is covered in pillows in different colors.

7 Easy Ways to Make Any Room Feel More Personal and Inviting

Colorfu, welcoming living room with filled with pillows, rugs, blankets, and textiles

Creating a space that feels like "you" isn't about copying someone else’s style or chasing the latest trends. You are trying to shape the environment to resonate with your spirit or purpose. Here are seven tips to add personality to any room, making it more inviting and authentically yours.

1. Infuse with Color and Texture

Cushions, throws, and area rugs can introduce vibrant colors and textures to your space. The beauty of these accessories lies in their flexibility, allowing you to change your decor with the seasons or as your mood shifts.

2. Embrace the Art of Display

a gallery wall featuring a mix of mementos, art, and keepsakes.Weave your story into your rooms by arranging souvenirs, favorite books, ornaments, photos and artworks with plants, and other accessories. Create little art displays, or "hide" mementos around a room to add a little mystery.

3. Light It Up

Proper lighting can transform any room from ordinary to remarkable by altering the ambiance and adding unique flair to your decor. Consider incorporating lamps that act as both illumination and art pieces to maximize the impact of each piece. Accent lighting can be especially helpful in highlighting your home's intriguing features, such as artwork or architectural details, complementing ambient light and revealing more details of a room.

4. Plants for Life

A roomy, well-lit office filled with plantsIntroducing greenery adds life and freshness, bringing the outdoors inside. Regardless of your gardening skills, plants invigorate your space and support your well-being.

5. Express Through Textiles

A living room in a neutral palette, mixing different textiles to create a layered, calm look.Textiles like curtains, blankets, and tablecloths can drastically change a room's ambiance. They are an easy way to weave your narrative into your home's fabric. Consider mixing materials—linens, silks, wools—with different patterns and prints. If you favor a cleaner style, then consider tonal variations from snow white to warm beige. You can also add depth with metallic and wood accents, or even seashells and stones.

6. Reorient Yourself

A modern, uncluttered bedroom with a bed, nightstands, wall art, lamps, and other decor. It has a neutral color palette.

A new layout can breathe fresh energy into a room. Adjust furniture placement or reorganizie your shelves to redefine a space's purpose and improve flow. These types of changes don't require much money, can be worked on whenever you like, and can rejuvenate your surroundings and mindset.

Consider the room's purpose before you start moving things and arrange furniture to support these activities, ensuring every piece has its place. Also think about the difference between the size of a room and how spacious it feels: float furniture away from walls (~8in-12in) to create a sense of openness, or create a buffer area with a large centerpiece to create a strong focal point.

7. Subtract for Serenity 

A minimalist room with scandinavian decor. The room uses an abstract painting over the sofa as a strong focal point.

Often, simplicity brings peace. A cluttered shelf or an overpowering piece might distract more than delight. Assess your space with a minimalist approach and remove items that distract or detract from your aesthetic or function. This process opens up your living area, promoting ease of movement and a tranquil atmosphere. Tip: What you get rid of is not as important as why you get rid of it. Think about what you want your space to feel like and remove things accordingly. It may be something as small as a paperweight, but removing it can help you feel more in sync with your space.

Adopting these decor ideas will strengthen your personal sense of style and introduce a more familiar and nourishing energy into your living spaces. At Modern Extras, we advocate for a home that mirrors your life's journey, filled with items that blend beauty and utility. We hope you use these tips to personalize and transform every corner of your home into a cozy, unique haven.


This blog post was created with a mix of human and AI. We used Dall-E 3, Canva, and a few models from NightCafe for the images. This is to give readers good visual representations of the styles and decor we suggest. In terms of copy (words), we use ChatGPT to outline posts, and sometimes to rewrite or summarize sections if we're having trouble pulling it together. We also use the Hemingway App & Grammarly for editing.
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